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2016-02-16 February
Cemetery & Parks Meeting
February16, 2016
Kimball House

The meeting was opened at 7:10 present were Ray Boyes, Tubby Boucher, Roger Ropoza and Pam Haman.

Notice of Annual Cemetery Meeting was sent to local area cemeteries.  Roger is hosting this year’s meeting.

Superintendents Report:
Howard Park:  the pictures that were received from Mr. Sebring were old pictures of damage that had been done in previous years.  Roger had a phone conversation with Athletic Director.  A piece of yellow caution tape was left by mistake and a marker was painted brown.  He further stated that the school had not trimmed any brush or raked any pathways/trails and that the school wants to do the right thing.  The Altheltic Director asked that the meeting between the school and department be postpone at this time.  The Commissioners agreed that no meeting.

Post Back of Common:  Discussion was held on ways to reconfigure the back of common entrance and the post that needs to be removed to allow vehicles access to the common.  Ideas such as relocating the post or using a different type of post were discussed.

The idea of loaming and reseeding the common one section at a time was tabled for now.
Gazebo Repairs:  No new issues have been brought up.  Roger stated that over all in good shape and that minor repairs have been done.  One area that needs to be looked at is the light fixtures in the ceiling.  Roger will take a piece of the laminated plywood down to see what is needed to be replaced/repaired.  If wood is rotted it will need to be replaced.  Roger will get pictures of the ceiling and light fixtures and begin to develop plans.

Roger waiting to hear on prices for porta potties.  There is money in the budget for an additional unit for the season from May 1 to October. Roger did say that regardless of what company is used there are always complaints.

Adams dam/trestle area, various options may be available to help with the restoration/preservation of the area from groups like Army Core of Engineers or Dept. of Fisheries and Wildlife. However there are some schools of thought that is better to remove all dams and return area to original state.

Meetings have been held about the forming of a DPW in Townsend.  Still in the exploratory state with meetings being held and involved departments being interviewed.

The meeting adjourned at 8:27PM.


Pam Haman